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Sabtu, 28 November 2009

Tohoshinki-Stand by You @Bewst Hits Musical Festival

cr: Asianreloaded

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Rabu, 25 November 2009

[PHOTOS] JaeChunSu At Gimpo Airport

cr: DBSKnights

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[PHOTOS] 091125 HoMin at Incheon Airport

cr: DBSKnights

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[Action] Message from bigeast

TVXQ fans, this is a message from bigeast, so please take note,

Message from Bigeast fans:

Dear Cassiopeia Members,

This is Kocha from Bigeast, Japan.

This may not be the appropriate place to post this news,
but we do not know exactly where to, since most of us cannot
write Korean.

First of all, we would like to thank you all for always protecting TVXQ and keeping the faith in them.

Because of the differeces in organization and in culture, we cannot do as much as you do in SK and the rest of Asia.

However, now that TVXQ are in Japan, we would like to do our
best to avoid their disbanding.

We know from the news TVXQ are very close to disband.
And we've learned fan's power is very needed.

We are working on this movement, called "Send A Thank You Postcard to AVEX".

It is to let Mr. Matsuura know our appreciation for his support for the five, and also to beg him to guarantee their activity in both S.Korea and in Japan (and the rest of Asia).

We believe there is no Tohoshinki without Dong Bang Shinki.
TVXQ is the precious star that was born in S.Korea.
It is unbearable to see them not able to sing in their own country.

The thank-you post cards are supposed to be arrived at AVEX on
November 30th.

It is important that all the mail arrive on the same date so that Japanese media will pick up the news.

But this may not enough, because Japanese media this year tend to focus on Arashi's 10th year anniversary and their first time attending Kohaku.

We would like to make sure that this "send a thank-you post card to AVEX" to be broadcasted and told through Korean media, so that
SM will hear it clear.

So, we need to ask all the bilingual(English/Korean/Chinese etc.) writers a help.
Because we believe this may be our last chance to keep the five together.

PLEASE!! spread this news here in DBSK Knights, DNBN, Korean TV Stations, Korean newspaper, Korean magazines, and any other media

We don't want to lose our last chance!!

Make sure to let them know that even the QUIET Japanese fans are raising their voice!!

However, we are not hoping for a battle.

If there is 1% of possibility for them to avoid disbanding,
we would like to bet on it.

Again, all the mail will be ARRIVED at AVEX on November 30th.

Thank you very much for your support.

This is the time when Bigeast and Cassiopeia get together to fully support TVXQ.


Kocha from Bigeast, Japan

Source: http://ameblo.jp/teapuyopuyo/
Shared by: DBSKnights + Honey_KizZ@soompi

Rachel's note: I just can't believe that DBSKnights and DNBN are mentioned in the same breath! Thank you! And since everyone is asking, here's Avex's address:

Axex Entertainment Co.
Avex Building 6F,
Attention: Tohoshinki
3-1-30, Minami Aoyama,
Minato-ku, Tokyo,
Japan, 107-8577
Tel:+81 03 5423 8550
CEO: Mr. Masato Matsuura

It's true that an international postcard mailed today would probably not reach
Japan by November 30th.
BUT,MAIL IT ANYWAY, JUST IN CASE. *a miracle may happen, who knows

Always keep the faith!
Please Spread this new among all TVXQ/Tohoshinki/DBSK fans worldwide

Stephanie's note : Let's do it cause even if it don't reach japan on the 30th it will still reach AVEX and maybe we can make a difference !!

Thanks to Madihah Marzuki for sharing

cr: Fb:~* Always Keep the Faith for TVXQ! *~

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Sabtu, 21 November 2009

[VIDEO] Toki wo Tomete HQ Full {roman+Trans}

Credits: lubdbsk7

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[VID+DOWNLOAD] Toki wo Tomete HQ Preview


Credits: DNBN + DBSKnights

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[TRANS] Plaintiff’s reasons for suing JaeChunSu

Indo Trans
Baru-baru ini, sebuah perusahaan Cina di Beijing mengajukan gugatan terhadap trio dan Crebeau. Tiga halaman di atas berisi alasan perusahaan dikirim ke trio menjelaskan mengapa mereka digugat.

Berikut ini adalah terjemahan kasar (bagian-bagian tertentu diringkas agar tidak dimengerti):

Mengenai penggunaan nama grup DBSK atau anggota, Crebeau (Beijing), dan gugatan berkomitmen untuk perusahaan kami:

6 Januari 2009, tiga anggota Crebeau berpartisipasi dalam orientasi investasi cina. Karena mereka orang-orang yang populer, banyak penggemar yang hadir.

6 Mei 2009, Crebeau telah memberitahu perusahaan kami yang telah mengundang produk Crebeau DBSK sebagai wakil, tiga anggota yang tergabung sebagai pemegang saham perusahaan (direktur), dan mengungkapkan bahwa trio akan berpartisipasi dalam promosi besar, melihat bagaimana DBSK memiliki basis penggemar berat di Cina, dengan daya tarik yang kuat, ditambah partisipasi mereka dalam kegiatan promosi yang Crebeau telah dijanjikan, sehingga perusahaan kami menandatangani kontrak dengan Crebeau.

8 Juni 2009, "Crebeau's korea cabang KAMI # PLUS Co, LTD menandatangani kontrak, setuju untuk menjadi crebeau's jaminan (lihat kontrak). Dengan demikian, perusahaan kami berinvestasi hampir 300.000 yuan (mata uang Cina) untuk sewa kamar, renovasi, menemukan staf, dan lain preparational bekerja.

Pada bulan Juni 2009, tiga dari mereka bersama-sama dengan sebuah Crebeau baru terdaftar Crebeau di Beijing. Menggunakan nama Crebeau untuk menghubungi perusahaan kami dan mendapatkan kami untuk membeli lebih banyak produk Crebeau.

26 Juni 2009, setelah semua pekerjaan persiapan, perusahaan kami menandatangani kontrak dengan Crebeau formal. Kami menghabiskan sekitar 700.000 yuan untuk mengimpor produk Creabeau dan mulai promosi.

22 Juni 2009, sebagai Crebeau berjanji dan jadwal, mereka bertiga akan hadir 16 Juli 2009 untuk Shanghai konferensi pers dengan judul sebagai direktur Crebea, dengan kipas bertemu, memungkinkan perusahaan kami untuk mulai mempromosikan. Perusahaan kami menghabiskan 200.000 yuan pada promosi.

8 Juli 2009, Crebeau (termasuk Crebeau Beijing) mempunyai masalah mengenai jadwal, dan informasi perusahaan kami bahwa tiga anggota tidak akan menghadiri konferensi pers dan berjanji mereka akan membayar untuk semua kerusakan, dan minta maaf pada berperilaku dari tiga anggota .

Juli 14, 16 2009, tiga anggota keluarga mewakili mereka di Beijing dan Shanghai dan meminta maaf atas ketidakmampuan mereka untuk hadir.

11 Juli setelah Beijing DBSK konser, pengacara diberitahu kami Crebeau sebuah konferensi, di mana Kim JunSu dan Park YooChun menyatakan permintaan maaf kepada kami.

Pertengahan Juli 2009, perusahaan kami telah diberitahu mengenai gugatan antara Korea SM hiburan dan anggota DBSK, dan kami diminta untuk bekerja sama dalam memberikan informasi.

24 Juli 2009, kami menjadi khawatir tentang Crebeau dan tiga anggota. Kami mencoba untuk menghubungi Crebeau untuk menanyakan apakah mereka akan membayar kita untuk kerusakan, tapi tidak mendapat tanggapan hingga hari ini.

Mengenai tindakan-tindakan mereka, telah terjadi banyak kekecewaan bagi penggemar, dan dengan gugatan terjadi, produk Crebeau hampir tidak mungkin untuk dijual, yang menciptakan kehilangan keuangan besar bagi perusahaan kami, sampai sekarang, perusahaan kami terkumpul hingga 1.200.000 yuan kalah.

Baru-baru ini, kami telah menerima beberapa informasi. Kami pikir di sana sebagai gugatan penipuan yang dilakukan terhadap kami. Kami percaya tidak sulit untuk melihat, ketiganya bersama dengan Crebeau hubungan erat, menciptakan menganiaya percaya yang ada jaminan yang termasuk dari otoritas untuk Crebeau, untuk membuat kita masuk ke dalam ini. Mereka memikat perusahaan kami dalam hal ini, maka tidak menghadiri konferensi pers dan meminta maaf berulang kali, dan pada saat yang sama memulai gugatan dengan perusahaan lain, tindakan mereka menciptakan banyak kehilangan untuk perusahaan kami.

Untuk melindungi kami, kami berharap mereka akan membayar untuk kita kehilangan keuangan, atau perusahaan kami akan mengambil tindakan hukum, menemukan mereka dan Crebeau tanggung jawab dan mengungkapkan hal-hal yang terkait.

Kami berharap untuk menerima balasan dengan 7 November 2009, atau mereka dapat dipersiapkan untuk menghadapi konsekuensi
Menurut saya: ini salah si Crebeau, bukan salah jaechunsu..buset dah..apa2 sekarang jachunsu yg dijadiin sasaran empuk gara2 masalah ma SM ga selese2...ckckckckcck

The Real Post
Recently, a Chinese company in Beijing filed a lawsuit against the trio and Crebeau. The three pages above contains the reasons the company sent to the trio explaining why they sued.

Here is a rough translation (certain parts are summarized to keep it comprehensible):

Regarding the use of DBSK group name or the members, Crebeau (Beijing), and the tort committed to our company:

January 6th, 2009, three members participated in Crebeau China investment orientation. Because they guys are popular, a lot of fans were present.

May 6th, 2009, Crebeau had informed our company that had invited DBSK as Crebeau product representative, the three members joined as company shareholder (director), and express that the trio will participate in a large promotion, seeing how DBSK have a huge fan base in China, with strong appeals, plus their participation in the promotion activities that Crebeau had promised, thus our company signed the contract with Crebeau.

June 8th, 2009, “Crebeau’s Korean branch WE# PLUS Co.,LTD signed contract, agreeing to become crebeau’s surety (view contract). Thus, our company invested nearly 300,000 yuan (Chinese currency) for renting room, renovating, finding staff, and other preparational work.

In June of 2009, the three of them along with Crebeau newly registered a Crebeau in Beijing. Using the name of Crebeau to contact our company and getting us to purchase more Crebeau products.

June 26th, 2009, after all the preparation work, our company signed a formal contract with Crebeau. We spent about 700,000 yuan to import Creabeau products and started the promotion.

Jun 22, 2009, as Crebeau promised and schedule, the three of them will attend July 16th, 2009 for Shanghai press conference under the title as director of Crebea, with a fan meet, allowing our company to start promoting. Our company spent 200,000 yuan on promotions.

July 8th, 2009, Crebeau (including Crebeau Beijing) have problems regarding the schedule, and informed our company that the three members will not attend the press conference and promised they will pay for all the damages, and apologized on the behave of the three members.

July 14th, 16th of 2009, trio’s family members represented them in Beijing and Shanghai and apologized for their inability to attend.

July 11th, after DBSK’s Beijing concert, Crebeau lawyer notified us of a conference, in which Kim Junsu and Park Yoochun expressed their apologies to us.

Middle of July 2009, our company were notified of the lawsuit between Korea’s SM entertainment and the members of DBSK, and we were asked to cooperate in provide information.

July 24th, 2009, we became worried about Crebeau and the three members. We tried to contact Crebeau to ask whether they will pay us for the damages, but received no response to this day.

Regarding their actions, there have been lots of disappointment for fans, and with the lawsuit going on, Crebeau products are nearly impossible to sale, which created a large financial lose for our company, until now, our company accumulated to up to 1,200,000 yuan in loses.

Recently, we have received some information. We think there as a tort of fraud committed against us. We believe it’s not hard to see, the trio along with Crebeau’s close relations, creating a wronged believe of there was an implied warranty of authority for Crebeau, to make us enter into this. They lured our company into this, then did not attend the press conference and repeatedly apologizing, and at the same time started a lawsuit with another company, their actions created many loses for our company.

To protect us, we hope their will pay for our financial loses, or our company will take legal action, finding theirs and Crebeau’s responsibility and reveal related things.

We hope to receive a reply by November 7th 2009, or they can be prepared to face consequences

credit: baidu
trans by: sharingyoochun@wordress
Shared by : DBSKnights + sharingyoochun@wordpress

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[VIDEO] 091120 JaeChunSu accused by distributor of CreBeau

Credit: phutran1981vnn2 + DBSKnights
shared By: CC

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[TRANS] 091120 JaeChuSu "We Never Signed The Shenzhen Concert

"The Shenzhen Concert Nota Konfirmasi, kita tidak pernah menandatangani sendiri."

Tiga anggota grup TVXQ menyatakan bahwa penggunaan yang tidak sah tanda tangan mereka digunakan untuk dokumen-dokumen yang relevan dengan konser Shenzhen. Xiah JunSu, YoungWoong Jaejoong, dan perwakilan Micky YooChun dinyatakan pada tanggal 19 itu, "Kami baru saja menyadari bahwa tanda tangan dari tiga anggota TVXQ sedang digunakan tanpa otorisasi. Tanda tangan pada konser Shenzhen catatan konfirmasi tidak ditandatangani oleh tiga anggota sendiri, tetapi orang lain malah menandatangani surat itu. "

Sisi ketiga anggota mengetahui tentang penggunaan yang tidak sah tanda tangan mereka pada catatan konfirmasi setelah mereka penggemar Korea dan Cina mempertanyakan validitas tanda tangan. Nada pertanyaan konfirmasi adalah dokumen yang diakui penyanyi kesediaan untuk menghadiri konser di Cina. Dokumen ini kemudian ditampilkan di lokasi penjualan tiket untuk membuktikan kepada pembeli tiket bahwa penyanyi memang akan menghadiri konser. Sejong Law Firm's Pengacara Lim Sang Hyuk dari tiga anggota TVXQ menyatakan, "Dengan mengesampingkan validitas kontrak konser Shenzhen, tindakan ini adalah suatu tindakan yang membawa kesalahpahaman kepada para penggemar. Kami berencana untuk mengambil tindakan counteractions melawan ini secara resmi."

Sejong juga merilis sebuah dokumen yang ditulis tangan Mr A yang mengatakan ia menandatangani surat konfirmasi sebagai gantinya. Ia juga menunjukkan tanda tangan yang sebenarnya Xiah JunSu, YoungWoong Jaejoong dan Micky YooChun untuk menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan yang jelas di tanda tangan. menurut dokumen tertulis tangan, Mr A "Konser Shenzhen Signed catatan konfirmasi TVXQ bukan pada bulan Maret." Mr A klaim harus diselidiki.

Pengacara Lim menyatakan, "Pada 19, kami diminta untuk penghakiman oleh pakar dalam signature pada catatan ini konfirmasi dan anggota 'tanda tangan asli. Bahkan hanya dengan melihatnya, Anda dapat memberitahu bahwa ada perbedaan yang cukup besar."

Dia juga berkata, "Ketika gugatan ini dimulai, tiga anggota berjanji untuk melakukan semua kegiatan preassigned. Namun, konser Shenzhen bukan salah satu dari mereka. Para anggota mengetahui tentang konser Shenzhen selama prosedur gugatan." Dia juga berkata, "Bahkan para penggemar baru bahwa ada masalah dengan tanda tangan pada catatan konfirmasi. Oleh karena itu, kami meminta SM untuk menunjukkan kepada kita rincian kontrak konser Shenzhen tetapi SM tidak sesuai."

Salah satu wakil dari industri musik Korea, "Dalam kasus bahwa penyanyi dalam suatu lembaga sibuk, ada saat-saat ketika seorang perwakilan menandatangani surat-surat, bukan setelah mengatakan penyanyi konser atau jadwal." Perwakilan ini juga menyatakan, "Ketika hubungan antara agen dan penyanyi yang baik, tidak ada masalah. Dalam kasus seperti itu, saya percaya bahwa hal itu telah menjadi masalah karena hubungan yang memburuk antara SM dan tiga anggota TVXQ. "

the real post
"The Shenzhen Concert Note of Confirmation, we never signed it ourselves."

Three members of group TVXQ stated that an unauthorized use of their signatures was used for the documents relevant to the Shenzhen concert. Xiah Junsu, YoungWoong Jaejoong, and Micky Yoochun's representative stated on the 19th that, "We realized only recently that the signatures of the three members of TVXQ were being used without authorization. The signatures on the Shenzhen concert note of confirmation were not signed by the three members themselves, but somebody else signed the paper instead."

The three members side found out about the unauthorized use of their signatures on the note of confirmation after their Korean and Chinese fans questioned the validity of the signatures. The note of confirmation in question was the document that recognized the singer's willingness to attend the concert in China. This document was then shown at the location of ticket sales in order to prove to ticket buyers that the singer would indeed be attending the concert. Sejong Law Firm's Lawyer Lim Sang Hyuk of the three TVXQ members stated, "Setting aside the validity of the Shenzhen concert contract, this act was an action that brought misunderstanding to the fans. We are planning to take counteractions against this action officially."

Sejong also released a hand written document of Mr. A who says he signed the note of confirmation instead. He also showed the actual signatures of Xiah Junsu, YoungWoong Jaejoong and Micky Yoochun to show that there were clear differences in the signatures. according to the hand written document, Mr. A "Signed the Shenzhen Concert note of confirmation instead of TVXQ in March." Mr. A's claims are to be investigated.

Lawyer Lim stated, "On the 19th, we requested for a judgment by an expert on the signatures on this note of confirmation and the members' original signatures. Even just by seeing it, you can tell that there is quite a big difference."

He also said, "When this lawsuit was initiated, the three members promised to perform all preassigned activities. However, the Shenzhen concert was not one of them. The members found out about the Shenzhen concert during the procedures of the lawsuit." He also said, "Even the fans new that there was a problem with the signatures on the note of confirmation. Therefore, we asked SM to show us the details of the Shenzhen concert contract but SM did not comply."

One representative of Korean music industry, "In the case that the singer in an agency is busy, there are times when a representative signs the papers instead after telling the singer of the concert or the schedule." This representative also stated, "When the relationship between the agency and the singer is good, there are no problems . In such a case, I believe that it has become a problem due to the deteriorating relationship between SM and the three members of TVXQ."

Source: [sportshankook+DNBN]
Translation credits: jeeelim5@tohosomnia.net
credit: tohosomnia.net + DBSKnights
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[TRANS] 091120 3 Members To Start Their Activities With 'MAMA'

YoungWoong Jaejoong, Micky YooChun dan Xiah JunSu akan memulai aktivitas masing-masing.

Ketiga anggota TVXQ telah memutuskan untuk menghadiri saluran kabel Mnet's 'Mnet Asia Music Awards (MAMA)' di Seoul dalam ruangan Janshil Gimnasium pada tanggal 21 pukul 7 malam. Ketiga akan menyapa penggemar 4 bulan setelah mereka mengajukan permintaan suspensi exlcusive kontrak dan satu bulan setelah mereka diberikan kebebasan untuk mengejar kegiatan-kegiatan individu oleh Pengadilan.

Pengacara Lim Sang Hyuk, yang mewakili tiga anggota, dinyatakan dalam sebuah percakapan telepon dengan wartawan bahwa, "Kami sadar bahwa Mnet menghubungi tiga anggota berkali-kali, dan setelah pertimbangan panjang, ketiga anggota telah memutuskan untuk menghadiri acara tersebut."

Pengacara Lim menyatakan, "Pengadilan telah memutuskan bahwa 'SM tidak boleh mengganggu kegiatan yang setiap individu anggota TVXQ ingin mengejar' sehingga tidak ada masalah dengan tiga anggota menghadiri acara," dan "Keputusan untuk menghadiri adalah pilihan mereka sendiri. "

Pengadilan Distrik Seoul sebagian menerima permintaan suspensi kontrak eksklusif yang dikirim oleh YoungWoong Jaejoong, Micky YooChun dan Xiah JunSu. Oleh karena itu, anggota diperbolehkan untuk mengejar selebriti yang terkait, dan kegiatan-kegiatan yang tidak terkait dengan bebas hingga putusan gugatan.

Sang Hyuk pengacara Lim menyatakan, "Meskipun sikap kami telah menjadi sama sekali berbeda dari badan, kita masih berharap bahwa ketiga anggota akan mampu melanjutkan kegiatan dengan U-Know Yunho dan Choikang Changmin," dan "harapan Hal yang sama berlaku untuk yang MAMA panggung. "

Namun, sepertinya sulit bagi semua lima anggota untuk melakukan kegiatan bersama untuk saat ini. Juga, SM saat ini memboikot 'MAMA' dan tampaknya hampir mustahil untuk lima untuk melakukan bersama-sama.

Tiga anggota TVXQ memulai aktivitas masing-masing dengan penghargaan Kpop pertama dari akhir tahun 'MAMA' dan banyak yang bertanya-tanya apa yang mereka akan menunjukkan kepada kita berikutnya.

The real post
YoungWoong Jaejoong, Micky Yoochun and Xiah Junsu will be starting their individual activities.

The three TVXQ members have decided to attend cable channel Mnet's 'Mnet Asian Music Awards (MAMA)' at the Seoul Janshil Indoor Gymnasium on the 21st at 7 pm. The three will be greeting fans 4 months after they filed the exlcusive contracts suspension request and one month after they were granted freedom to pursue individual activities by the Courts.

Lawyer Lim Sang Hyuk, who is representing the three members, stated in a phone conversation with reporters that, "We are aware that Mnet contacted the three members numerous times, and after long consideration, the three members have decided to attend the event."

Lawyer Lim stated, "The Courts have already ruled that 'SM must not interfere with any individual activities that the members of TVXQ want to pursue' so there is no problem with the three members attending the event," and "The decision to attend was their own choice."

The Seoul District Courts partially accepted the exclusive contract suspension request submitted by YoungWoong Jaejoong, Micky Yoochun and Xiah Junsu. Therefore, the members are allowed to pursue celebrity related, and unrelated activities freely until the verdict of the lawsuit.

Lawyer Lim Sang Hyuk stated, "Although our stance has become completely different from that of the agency, we still hope that the three members will be able to pursue activities with U-Know Yunho and Choikang Changmin," and "The same hopes apply to the MAMA stage."

However, it seems hard for all five members to perform activities together for now. Also, SM is currently boycotting 'MAMA' and it seems almost impossible for the five to perform together.

The three members of TVXQ started their individual activities with the first Kpop awards of the end of the year 'MAMA' and many are wondering what they will show us next.

Source: [ohmynews+DNBN]
Translation credits: jeeelim5@tohosomnia.net
credit: tohosomnia.net + DBSKnights
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[NEWS/RUMOR] SM Entertainment forges signatures of TVXQ?

TVXQ's Shenzhen konser dibatalkan karena komplikasi hukum antara Jaejoong, YooChun, Junsoo dan SM Entertainment dilaporkan sebelumnya.

UKM menyatakan bahwa tiga anggota setuju untuk konser ini kembali pada tahun 2008, menyiratkan bahwa ketiga mundur dari janji mereka dengan UKM dan para fans, namun penasihat hukum dari tiga anggota ini menyatakan bahwa tanda tangan tiga anggota yang dibuat dalam kontrak untuk konser yang telah ditandatangani oleh orang lain daripada tiga anggota sendiri.
Penasihat hukum mengatakan bahwa mereka telah memperoleh pernyataan tertulis tangan dari seseorang yang mengaku telah menandatangani kontrak tanpa persetujuan dari tiga anggota. Rupanya dalam industri musik, ketika seniman sibuk perusahaan biasanya hanya akan memberitahu mereka tentang jadwal masa depan mereka dan kemudian tanda-tanda dokumen terkait untuk seniman.

Sebagian besar waktu, kebiasaan ini diterima tanpa adanya keluhan dari para artis tetapi telah menjadi masalah karena tiga anggota tidak berada dalam hubungan baik dengan UKM. Penasihat hukum berpendapat bahwa mereka tidak diberitahu tentang konser di Shenzen dan mengetahui tentang hal itu selama persiapan gugatan.

The Real posting

TVXQ's Shenzhen concert being cancelled due to legal complications between Jaejoong, Yoochun, Junsoo and SM Entertainment was previously reported.

SME claimed that the three members agreed to this concert back in 2008, implying that the three backed out of their promise with SME and the fans; however, the legal counsel of the three member are claiming that signatures the three members made in the contract for the concert have been signed by someone other than the three members themselves.
The legal counsel says that they have acquired the hand-written statement of a person who claims to have signed the contract without consent of the three members. Apparently in the music industry, when artists are busy the company usually just notifies them of their future schedule and then signs related document for the artists.

Most of the time, this custom is accepted without any complaints from the artist but it has become a trouble because the three members are not in good terms with SME. Legal counsel argues that they were not informed of concert in Shenzen and found out about it during the course of preparation for lawsuit.

Credits: delacroix@allkpop + DBSKnights
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[INFO] 091119 Daum Best Movie Ranking

itu tuh heaven postman no 6!!!

harus nonton ya chingu!!!

source: movie.daum.net
credit: sharingyoochun@wordpress + DBSKnights
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Jumat, 06 November 2009

[RELEASES] History in Japan Vol. 4 (Extra Movie)

FileName: [DBSKnights]{DVD} Tohoshinki History In Japan Volume 4 Extra Movie (English Subbed)
Size: 870 MB

cr: DBSKnights

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[RELEASES] History in Japan Vol. 4 (The Making)

FileName: [DBSKnights] 091028 History in Japan Vol. 4.avi
Size: 800 MB

cr: DBSKnights

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[VIDEO] Toki wo Tomete HQ Full

ini ada lagu baru buat kalian neh!!!

credits:yuchun8664 + DBSKnights
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1. NHK mengumumkan pada 3 November, bahwa Kohaku 60 MC untuk UTAGASSEN (disiarkan di Dec.31) akan Yukie Nakama (30) dan Masahiro Nakai (37, anggota SMAP). Kedua MC dalam rangkaian akan menjadi yang ketiga kalinya tahun ini, sebelumnya itu pada tahun 2006 dan 2008. Nakai akan menjadi tuan rumah untuk ke-6 waktu, ini akan menjadi catatan MC profesional termasuk penyiar NHK.

2. NHK akan kembali siaran "MUSIC JAPAN Tohoshinki Khusus" pada 18 November (Rabu) 26:35 ~ 27:25 (tanggal penyiaran sebenarnya akan Nov 19, 2:35 ~ 3:25).

Program ini pertama kali disiarkan pada 30 November 2008

T / N: Ini hanya pendapat pribadi saya, tapi saya menemukan kedua berita pertanda yang sangat baik bagi Tohoshinki untuk berpartisipasi dalam 60 NHK Kouhaku Utagassen tahun ini. (Kouhaku Utagassen adalah program musik Jepang terbesar disiarkan pada tanggal 31 Desember setiap tahun.)
Alasannya adalah:
1) NHK telah memilih dari SMAP Nakai (kelompok terkenal Johnny's) untuk MC, yang berarti bahwa mereka memiliki Johnny tersanjung pertama agar mereka setuju dengan bintang-bintang mereka yang berpartisipasi bersama dengan Tohoshinki. (Silakan lihat artikel http://www.onetvxq.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=6081 untuk informasi mengenai Johnny's berhala dan TVXQ, terutama kelompok-kelompok dari Johnny's telah menjadi pegangan erat pada laki-laki Jepang pasar idol)
2) Tahun lalu siaran untuk "MUSIC JAPAN Tohoshinki Khusus" adalah pada 30 November. (The PD memperkenalkan disiarkan di EYESBLOG on Dec 25, dan pada tanggal yang sama, Tohoshinki partisipasi untuk Kouhaku Utagassen secara resmi diumumkan.) Berita bahwa NHK akan kembali menyiarkan program ini pada waktu ini tahun ini berarti bahwa NHK ada di mendukung Tohoshinki!

Jika Tohoshinki benar-benar berpartisipasi dalam Kouhaku Utagassen tahun ini, teman-teman internasional kami juga akan dapat melihat mereka di-waktu melalui NHK WORLD (satelit, kabel TV)!!

Real article
1. NHK announced on November 3, that the MC for 60th KOHAKU UTAGASSEN (broadcasted on Dec.31) will be Yukie Nakama (30) and Masahiro Nakai (37, member of SMAP). The two MC in a set will be the third time this year, previously it was on 2006 and 2008. Nakai will be the host for the 6th time, this will be the MC record excluding NHK professional announcers.

2. NHK will re-broadcast “MUSIC JAPAN Tohoshinki Special” on November 18 (Wed) 26:35~27:25 (actual broadcasting date will be Nov 19, 2:35~3:25).

The program was first broadcasted on Nov 30, 2008

T/N: This is just my personal opinion, but I find these two news a very good omen for the Tohoshinki to participate in the 60th NHK Kouhaku Utagassen this year. (Kouhaku Utagassen is the biggest Japanese music program broadcasted on December 31 every year.)
The reasons are:
1) NHK has selected Nakai of SMAP (a famous group of Johnny’s) for the MC, which means that they have first flattered Johnny in order for them to agree with their stars participating together with Tohoshinki. (Please refer to the article http://www.onetvxq.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=6081 for information concerning Johnny’s idols and TVXQ, especially that groups from Johnny’s have been a tight grip on Japan’s male idol market)
2) Last year’s broadcast for “MUSIC JAPAN Tohoshinki Special” was on November 30. (The PD introduced the broadcast on EYESBLOG on Nov. 25, and on the same date, Tohoshinki’s participation for the Kouhaku Utagassen was officially announced.)  The news that NHK will re-broadcast this program at this timing this year means that NHK is in favor of Tohoshinki!

If Tohoshinki really participates in the Kouhaku Utagassen this year, our international friends will also be able to watch them on-time through NHK WORLD (satellite , cable TV)!!
Source: Japan Press Network & EYES BLOG

Translation: smiley @ One TVXQ.com[b]

Credits: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }

Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!

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[VIDEO] Yunho & Ara Kissing Scene in HTTG Episode 16

Siap2 buat rela ya uno kissing ma hara..hwehehehehe

Credits: jhocelynlokita2 + dbsknights
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[INFO] History in Japan Vol. 4 (Hong Kong Version) Preorder On Sale

Expected release date: November 11, 2009. Preorder Started!

From 2008 to 2009, Dong Bang Shin Ki has reached one milestone after another in the Japanese music market.
With a string of #1 singles, a platinum-selling album, a Kohaku Uta Gassen invite,
and a Tokyo Dome tour to their name, the group has not only achieved more than any other Korean music act in Japan,
they've entered the ranks of Japan's top artists.

The fourth installment of Dong Bang Shin Ki's popular History in Japan DVD series collects footage of
the group's activities in Japan from 2008 to 2009, providing a valuable documentary of their amazing year of many breakthroughs.
History in Japan Vol. 4 includes behind-the-scenes clips, footage of The Secret Code campaign
when the members split into two groups to promote their album in different regions, and much more.

Product Title: History in Japan Vol. 4 (Hong Kong Version) History in Japan Vol. 4 (香港版)
Singer Name(s): Dong Bang Shin Ki (TVXQ) 東方神起 东方神起 東方神起 동방신기
Region Code: 3 - South East Asia (including Hong Kong, S. Korea and Taiwan) What is it?
Release Date: 2009-11-11
Language: Japanese
Subtitles: Traditional Chinese
Disc Format(s): DVD
Picture Format: NTSC What is it?
Other Information: DVD
Package Weight: 120 (g)
Publisher: Avex Asia Limited

T/N: Those of you who understand Chinese, Lucky you!
This one is from Avex so please Go for it friends!! Buy lots! Yeah!!
Dear Avex, English ones please for our world friends !

Source: Yesasia + as tagged
Translated by: Junsulv@OneTVXQ.com
Shared by: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thank you!

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Senin, 02 November 2009

Yunho dan Changmin of DBSK / TVXQ telah menyatakan bahwa mereka berada di pihak SM Entertainment pada sengketa hukum antara perusahaan dan tiga anggota lain. Mereka mengatakan bahwa mereka percaya UKM dan akan bersama mereka di masa depan. Kedua juga memberikan tenggat waktu kepada anggota lain, mengatakan bahwa DBSK akan datang kembali untuk mempromosikan di Korea musim semi berikutnya, sehingga tiga anggota lainnya harus membuat keputusan sebelum tanggal 12 bulan ini.

Dua anggota 'pikiran yang disampaikan melalui dokumen dikompilasi, yang menyatakan:

Kami lima anggota DBSK yang sama menandatangani kontrak dengan klausul yang sama dan selama lima tahun, dan telah bekerja bersama di bawah kondisi yang sama dengan sangat kepercayaan di perusahaan, satu sama lain dan impian kita. Kami bermaksud untuk berbagi mimpi dan masa depan kita dengan perusahaan dan menyimpan janji-janji yang kami buat dalam kontrak. DBSK dibuat oleh SM dan kami berniat untuk bekerja sebagai DBSK dengan SM.

Tidak ada perusahaan lain dapat membuat DBSK, karena hanya SM dapat memberikan produksi terbaik dan tim manajemen tersedia. Ketiga anggota harus tahu lebih baik daripada orang lain bahwa SM adalah orang yang tahu DBSK yang terbaik dan membuat DBSK yang terbaik. Kami berniat untuk menjaga kepercayaan dan janji dan dengan demikian bermaksud untuk tetap tinggal dengan UKM. DBSK's grand masa depan akan dengan UKM. Kami percaya bahwa promosi korea, direncanakan untuk musim semi berikutnya, harus disiapkan setidaknya enam bulan di muka sebelum masa depan kita sebagai salah satu DBSK menjadi tidak jelas. Jika tiga anggota lain benar-benar ingin tinggal sebagai salah satu DBSK, mereka harus membuat keputusan sebelum terlambat.

Mereka juga berkomentar tentang produk kecantikan kontroversi yang memicu sengketa hukum ini:

Bisnis produk kecantikan mengubah segalanya, "mereka menyatakan," Kami tidak terbiasa dengan hal-hal tetapi kami percaya bahwa perusahaan yang sah yang berusaha untuk melakukan bisnis dengan DBSK harus berkonsultasi dengan SM dulu. Ini adalah akal sehat. Kami tidak terlibat sebagai terlibat dengan sebuah perusahaan yang berusaha untuk melakukan bisnis tanpa SM akan berarti bahwa masalah ada di depan.

Kami tidak ingin reputasi dan kebanggaan DBSK, yang dihasilkan oleh kerja keras kami, untuk mendapatkan dirusak oleh perusahaan produk kecantikan yang tidak bekerja dalam cara yang terhormat secara hukum. Kita tidak menyadari kontrak antara perusahaan itu dan tiga anggota, juga kita tidak tahu apa yang diberitahu para anggota atau berapa banyak mereka yang diperoleh melalui kesepakatan mereka. Apa yang kita tahu adalah fakta bahwa DBSK, ditempa bersama-sama selama 5 tahun dengan semua impian kita, telah jatuh ke dalam kondisi saat ini karena perusahaan yang tidak etis hanya tidak dapat diterima.

DBSK hancur diri seperti ini, semua ini begitu luar biasa. Sungguh menyedihkan untuk melihat bahwa ini semua disebabkan oleh beberapa produk kecantikan perusahaan, dan kami berharap bahwa tiga anggota akan kembali ke masa-masa ketika kami semua bekerja keras untuk mimpi kita.

the real article
Yunho and Changmin of DBSK/TVXQ have stated that they are on SM Entertainment's side on the legal dispute between the company and other three members. They said that they trust SME and will be with them in the future. The two also gave a deadline to other members, saying that DBSK will come back to promote in Korea next spring, so the other three members must make a decision before the 12th of this month.

The two members' thoughts were delivered through a compiled document, which stated:

We five members of DBSK signed the same contract with the same clauses and for the past five years, and have worked together under same conditions with utmost trust in the company, each other and our dreams. We intend to share our dream and future with the company and keep the promises we made in the contract. DBSK was made by SM and we intend to work as DBSK with SM.

No other company can create DBSK, as only SM can provide the best production and management team available. The three members must know better than anyone else that SM is the one who knows DBSK the best and made DBSK the best. We intend to keep trust and promise and thus intend on staying with SME. DBSK's grand future will be with SME. We believe that our Korean promotion, planned for next spring, should be prepared at least six months in advance before our future as one DBSK becomes unclear. If the other three members truly want to stay as one DBSK, they must make a decision before it is too late.

They also commented on the beauty product controversy which sparked this legal dispute:

The beauty product business changed everything," they stated, "We are not familiar with the matters but we believe that a legitimate company that seeks to do business with DBSK must consult with SM first. It is common sense. We did not get involved as getting involved with a company that sought to do business without SM would have meant that trouble was ahead.

We did not want the reputation and pride of DBSK, earned by our hard work, to get ruined by a beauty product company that did not work in a legally respectable manner. We are not aware of the contract between that company and the three members, nor do we know what those members were told or how much they have earned through their deal. What we do know is that the fact that DBSK, forged together for 5 years by all of our dreams, have fallen into the current state because of an unethical company is simply unacceptable.

DBSK crumbling away like this, this is all so unbelievable. It is sad to see that this was all caused by some beauty product company, and we hope that the three members would come back to the days when we were all working hard for our dreams.

cr: DBSKnights

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[TRANS] YH&CM’s fathers strong disapproval of other members

Bapak Yunho dan Changmin, dua anggota TVXQ yang tidak terlibat dengan gugatan kontroversial awal tahun ini, angkat bicara untuk mendukung anak-anak mereka dan UKM sementara mengutuk tiga anggota lain dan orangtua mereka. Mereka menyatakan bahwa sengketa lebih berkaitan dengan masalah yang timbul dari bisnis produk kecantikan bukan masalah kontraktual.

Mr Chung, ayah dari Yunho, menyatakan:

Dua anggota yang tidak melibatkan diri dalam sengketa hukum ini adalah korban nyata di sini. Mereka menderita kerugian finansial, psikologis menderita dan yang paling penting mereka kehilangan reputasi mereka. Yang akan mengkompensasi kerugian mereka karena? Saya bermaksud untuk meminta tiga anggota ini: Apa pun alasannya, mengapa Anda berniat untuk menimbulkan kontroversi yang begitu besar dan drive DBSK, nama merek internasional, menjadi break-up? Apakah anda peduli sama sekali tentang dua anggota lain dan penderitaan mereka?

Bisnis produk kecantikan bukanlah sesuatu yang diawasi oleh UKM. Di atas itu, perusahaan produk kecantikan itu sendiri tidak terlalu dapat dipercaya. Ketika sudah dimulai, saya merasa bahwa reputasi DBSK berpotensi menderita dari keterlibatan dengan perusahaan itu dan menasihati anakku dari masalah. Ia berbagi keprihatinan saya juga, dan itu sebabnya ia tidak melibatkan diri dalam bisnis. UKM kemudian meminta tiga anggota untuk menarik diri dari bisnis tetapi orangtua mereka menolak tidak masuk akal. Mr Shim (Changmin ayah) dan aku mencoba meyakinkan mereka juga tapi mereka hanya menolak untuk mengubah pikiran mereka. Aku kemudian mengetahui bahwa tiga anggota mengambil tindakan hukum terhadap UKM tanpa berkonsultasi saya juga Mr Shim. DBSK ini tidak dimiliki oleh mereka hanya tiga anggota. Mereka tidak hanya mengabaikan kontroversi yang akan naik, tetapi juga hak-hak dua anggota lain.

Mr Shim, ayah dari Changmin, menyatakan:

Sederhananya, tiga anggota lain mengambil tindakan hukum terhadap SM karena bisnis produk kecantikan materi dan alasan-alasan lain yang melibatkan keuntungan finansial mereka. Apa yang mereka klaim sebagai alasan mereka, alasan seperti kontrak yang tidak adil dan tidak jelas pembagian keuntungan hanyalah alasan untuk menyembunyikan alasan sebenarnya di balik tindakan mereka. Setelah tiga anggota memulai usaha produk kecantikan, salah satu orangtua menelepon saya dan mengatakan kepada saya shenanigans seperti "Usaha ini dapat bernilai jutaan atau bahkan miliaran di masa depan. Ketika kita memberitahu media bahwa DBSK telah memulai sebuah bisnis, harga saham perusahaan kami akan memukul atap - kami akan memberitahu Anda sebelumnya sehingga Anda dapat keuntungan dari informasi. "

Tiga anggota menyatakan bahwa kontrak ini tidak adil dan perhitungan yang tidak jelas, tetapi anakku dan aku telah membaca kontrak dengan SM dengan jelas dan menyetujui semua pasal-pasal, dari kontrak pertama melalui kelima revisi yang telah dibuat. Untuk setiap pendapatan anak saya telah menerima saya meninjau semua angka-angka. Saya merasa kasihan terhadap tiga anggota dan orang tua mereka karena mereka harus tahu tentang kebenaran tetapi mereka terus membuat klaim palsu. "

real article

The fathers of Yunho and Changmin, the two TVXQ members who were not involved with the controversial lawsuit earlier this year, spoke up in support of their sons and SME while condemning other three members and their parents. They claimed that the dispute has more to do with the trouble that have arisen from the beauty product business rather than contractual matters.

Mr. Chung, the father of Yunho, stated:

The two members who did not involve themselves in this legal dispute are the real victims here. They suffered from financial loss, psychological suffering and most importantly they lost their reputation. Who is to compensate them for their losses? I intend to ask the three members this: Whatever the reason, why do you intend to cause such great controversy and drive DBSK, an international brand name, into a break-up? Do you care at all about the other two members and their suffering?

The beauty product business wasn't something that was supervised by SME. On top of that, the beauty product company itself wasn't very trustworthy. When it was started, I felt that DBSK's reputation could potentially suffer from involvement with that company and advised my son of the issue. He shared my concerns as well, and that is why he did not involve himself in the business. SME later asked the three members to withdraw from the business but their parents resisted unreasonably. Mr. Shim (Changmin's father) and I tried to convince them as well but they simply refused to change their minds. I later learned that the three members took up legal actions against SME without consulting me nor Mr. Shim. DBSK is not owned by those three members only. They ignored not only the controversy that would rise but also the rights of other two members.

Mr. Shim, father of Changmin, stated:

Simply put, the other three members took legal actions against SM because of the beauty product business matter and other reasons which involve their financial gains. What they claim as their reasons, reasons such as unfair contract and unclear profit division are merely excuses to hide the true reason behind their actions. After the three members started the beauty product business, one of the parents called me and told me shenanigans like "This business can be worth millions or even billions in the future. When we tell the media that DBSK has started a business, share price of our company will hit the roof - we will tell you in advance so you can profit from the information."

Three members claim that the contract is unfair and calculations are unclear, but my son and I have read over the contract with SM clearly and agreed to all clauses, from the very first contract through all five revisions that have been made. For every income my son has received I reviewed all of the the numbers. I feel sorry for the three members and their parents as they must know of the truth but they continue to make false claims."

cr: Dbsknights

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